How to convert string into int

Converting one data into other is called typecasting we use int() function of the python to convert string into int there are may different methods you can use but in this case we will use int() function of the python for this particluer task

How int() works and what we can perform with it

String to Integer Converter

String to Integer Converter

we can use int() function to convert different data types we can also convert string into int binary to hesa and other data froms as will there is many other methods as will which peroform same task and also have same ability but int() is the pre build function for this we will discus about how we can perform this in python you can also perform this same function in C++ or Java

string_value = "123"

This line declares a variable string_value and assigns it the string value “123”. In Python, strings are sequences of characters enclosed within either single (') or double (") quotes.

integer_value = int(string_value)

Here, the int() function is used to convert the string "123" into an integer. The int() function in Python converts its argument to an integer. So, int(string_value) converts the string "123" to an integer 123.


Finally, print() function is used to display the value of integer_value. It will print 123 to the console.

The code essentially converts a string representation of a number into an actual integer.